Orange Glazed Plum Cake

Orange Glazed Plum Cake

For a few short weeks each year, it is stone-fruit season.  As I previously highlighted the peach, when I saw these plums at the Farmer’s market, I couldn’t help but pick up a bunch and feverishly search for an interesting recipe to use the lovely purple jewels.  Ironically, I found another UK dessert, so had…

New Moms Comparing Babies

New Moms Comparing Babies

Like most new moms, I’m sometimes insecure about my mothering skills. Therefore, I find myself clinging to child development milestones as lifelines in the sea of uncertainty that is new motherhood. However, it would seem that instead of lifelines, these seemingly objective data tend to act more as Mafioso-style cement shoes, drowning my spirit and…

Phish Food Brownies

Phish Food Brownies

I just recently joined Pinterest.  The thing I like most about Pinterest is the rush of creative ideas, interesting recipes and DIY projects I have at my fingertips.  When I saw a ‘Phish Food’ brownie recipe, I immediately thought about my sister’s upcoming birthday.  She isn’t much for sweets, and usually opts for carrot cake…

Black Gold Bracelets

Black Gold Bracelets

This season, I’ve been on the search for a black gold bracelets – black leather bracelet with gold accents – which I first fell in love with at Saint Laurent. When I first saw it, I almost lost control and blindly charged it, but I managed to regain my senses. My fiscally savvy-self could not…