Posh in Progress Turns Five and Reflections on Blogging
If you would have told me in 2013 that I’d have a five-year-old blog that’s given me a lot of really unique opportunities and also allowed me to earn a supplemental income, I’m not sure I would have been able to envision what that would mean.
When I started the blog, I always considered it a business, but most importantly, I considered it a creative outlet to keep my sense of self. I started the blog 5 years ago because I had a six-month-old baby, I was feeling pretty overwhelmed with adjusting to being a mom, and I never wanted to be ‘just a mom’. Don’t get me wrong, being a mom is an amazing job, but I never wanted it to be all that I am or will be.
Being a mom is one of the many identities I hold close to my heart. But I’m also Stacey, the tenacious, sometimes bitchy, mostly assertive woman who loves fashion, travel, my career, and so many other things. The blog allows me to explore all of my identities and all of my passions in one place.
Unlike a lot of bloggers, I never wanted to be pigeon-holed as ‘a mom blogger’ or a ‘fashion blogger’ or a ‘food/recipe blogger’. I wanted to be all of it. I call myself a lifestyle blogger because I use blogging and social media spaces to talk about (almost) everything that matters to me. I’ve shared some of the toughest personal moments (like not being able to nurse my kids, sharing my #metoo story, and my epiphany on my trip to South Africa), but I’ve also shared some experiences that have meant so much to me (like getting to finally attend New York Fashion Week, visiting my grandparents’ village in Italy, and being on TV for the first time).
The blog has meant so much more to me than just a business. It is my space to tell my story, share my passions and be myself. The most unexpected outcome for me is just how much fun I’ve had and how much I enjoy the business side of it all. I love interacting with companies, I love meeting readers and growing an audience. I sincerely value the relationships with other bloggers that I’ve met.
For those who have followed me the last five years, or for whatever length of time you’ve been reading, thank you. Thank you for taking the time to read, to visit, to comment, to follow. Every now and then, I realize that this blog has helped people, even in small ways, and that means so much to me.
When a few readers messaged me about my #metoo story, I realized I need to put myself out there more. One of my goals for moving forward with the blog is that I don’t just try to present my best life, but also talk to you about my struggles (like the recent issues with race I discussed with my four-year-old). It’s not easy to show all the real sometimes, but I’m going to try. I know that’s what you want, and I also want my experiences to help other, when they can.
Thank you for being here and if there are things you wish you could see on Posh in Progress, please drop me an email ([email protected]) or send me a DM on Instagram.