Cut Out Shoulder Top + Infinite Style Review
This post is sponsored by Ann Taylor’s Infinite Style. All opinions are my own.
Last fall, I remember seeing a lot of cut out shoulder tops, especially cut out shoulder sweaters and other cold shoulder tops. Initially, I didn’t really love the trend. Like a lot of trends, I think they are cute on other people, but I’m not sure they will work on me. Finally, I decided to give it a try because an adorable cut out shoulder top arrived right to my door. So, I had no reason not to at least try it.
The shirt magically arrived at my door in a perfectly packaged box, along with two other items as part of a new subscription box I joined. Earlier this month, I learned about Infinite Style by Ann Taylor. I already buy a lot of my clothes from Ann Taylor, so I thought this service sounded like something I should try.
Infinite Style Is Easy to Use
Have you ever considered the idea to rent clothing? Maybe you’ve tried Stitch Fix or Rent the Runway. This service is very similar. Basically, you visit their site, pick out items you like and put them in your e-closet. Then, they will ship you three items at a time, to try for yourself. You can keep each box for as long as you want, but you must ship all three items back together, unless you choose to buy one of the items.
The first box I received was a bit of a dud. None of the items fit me quite right, so I quickly sent it back. My next box had even more items I loved, because I thought the cut out shoulder top was adorable. It’s an item I’d definitely wear, but also not an item I’m dying to keep in my closet. So it’s perfect to have the option to wear it and then ship it back, which is exactly what I did.
Infinite Style Is Financially Smart
Just this morning, I shipped back the second box. I also added more items to my closet, so I can’t wait to see what I receive next. Getting mail makes me smile, so I definitely love the appeal of regular items arriving to my door. I also love the fact that this is such a financially smart model for both shopping.
For example, I don’t really want to own a ton of business suits. But I do need to wear them every now and then. It would be nice to be able to just ‘borrow’ one through the Infinite Style service and then be able to ship it back. The rental cost is reasonable at a flat monthly fee. You just pay $95 a month to join.
Are Cut Out Shoulder Tops for Me?
I’m glad I tried the Infinite Style service because it allows me to try new things that I might not pick out at the store. I also love the no-risk policy of being able to try things on, wear them, and then return them without having to purchase anything. It’s a great way to expand your wardrobe without spending a ton of money. It’s also such a good way to push your style comfort zone by trying things you never thought you’d wear.
I never thought I’d wear a cut out shoulder top. I’m glad I finally tried it through this clothing rental service. The ability to return it after wearing it is definitely my favorite part about the service. I do like this top, but I don’t love it. The shoulder cut outs top vibe is a little too bo-ho for me. But there’s a time and a place (like amongst flowers) where that vibe is just perfect. So I’m glad I got to try it, wear it, and then return it!