My baby girl turned 5! To celebrate, I decided on a unicorn theme birthday party. She loves horses and unicorns, and there are so many cute unicorn things available right now. Because I travel so much for work, I really didn’t have a lot of time to throw it all together. The week before her birthday, I was traveling, so I actually did a lot of it via online ordering.
I had the foresight to order her cake in advance. There is this awesome bakery not too far from us where I ordered the cake. When I arrived, I didn’t really have any specific unicorn cake in mind, I just knew I wanted it to have a unicorn on it. They showed me several different cakes, but I was so drawn to this design, I knew it was the one. I absolutely love the gold lettering and horn. I also love the way the hair cascades down the side of the cake. My girl LOVES frosting, so the more the better. Inside, the cake has two layers, one chocolate and one vanilla, so everyone in our little family was happy.
As for her outfit, I actually ordered the horn here. I had also ordered this dress, but then found this adorable outfit (top, skirt) at a nearby store, just days before her birthday. I’m one of those people who always has back-up options, so I didn’t mind having more choices. And good thing I had a back up, because the original dress I ordered was too large.
As for decorations, we kept it pretty simple. I got these plates and napkins and these balloons. Since we didn’t have a big party or anything, I just kept it all pretty simple. She was so very happy with what we put together for her and she had the best birthday.
Sometimes, I get really stressed out, wanting to create the perfect birthday (or insert other holiday here). But what’s most important is that we are all together, celebrating her. It’s not about the size or scale of the party, but the love that’s in the room. I’m working on giving myself a break a little more and enjoying these precious moments with them as much as I can. Her unicorn theme birthday party wasn’t over the top, but the little details were perfect, she loved her cake and her outfit and her presents, and most of all, she loved all of the special attention she got. Happy birthday baby girl!
Looking for other birthday party ideas? Here are birthday party ideas for little boys, and little girls. A fire truck birthday party, and a zoo animal theme birthday party.