On the hardest days, it also helps to have a drink. I mean, parenting is hard and we all need a way to let go of the stress of the day, or the week, or the month. Having a glass of wine is a simple way for me to unwind and feel a sense of calm. Moms, we deserve a break.
On the days I especially need a drink, I turn to JaM Cellars wine. They offer three California wines that are easy to love, including Butter Chardonnay, Cabernet, and Toast Sparkling. Made in Napa Valley, JaM Cellars wines follow the tradition of great California winemaking. The flavors are rich, bold, and luscious.
The Butter Chardonnay is my favorite because it has a lush creaminess and is aged with a unique blend of oak, stone fruit, baked lemons and vanilla for a flavor that melts in your mouth. If you want to try Butter Chardonnay for yourself, you can find it at a store near you with the JaMCellars Store Locator. You can also follow JaM Cellars on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. You will find daily wine inspiration, fun happenings, and events or sign up for The Scoop to get the latest delivered right to your inbox.
The Mom Drinking Wine Game
Have a sip if …
1. Your child woke you up at 5 am this morning.
2. Your child has caught you in the act of throwing away their daily art projects.
3. Your child won’t let you comb her hair.
4. You’ve stepped on a teeny tiny sharp toy left on the ground within the last 48 hours. Take one more if it was in the dark.
5. Your child has allowed his classmate to do an art project on the back of his shirt
6. A local establishment has offered your child free candy or a sticker directly, without checking with you first. (Take another if exerting your authority caused a tantrum.)
7. The daycare has called telling you your child had a high fever, you rushed over to get him, asked them to take his temperature again it read normally.
8. Your child has used an entire roll of toilet paper for one bathroom visit.
9. Being the “cool mom” backfired because you let your kids play in the puddles outside, but you forgot their shoes light up, and now they don’t.
10. Your child has totally forgotten to wipe after using the bathroom.
11. Your child has cried after hitting YOU.
12. Your child has cried AFTER giving her EXACTLY what she asked for.
13. Your children have ever turned their bedroom into a nightclub, flickering the lights off and on after being put to bed.
14. Your child has cried because you won’t read him read the 10th bedtime story for the evening
15. Your child has ever taken off the clothes you just put on her because she wanted to dress herself
16. Your child has ever stuck something up his nose (like a bead ) requiring an emergency room visit.
17. Your child has ever refused to wear the outfit you picked out for her and then refused to choose another option.
18. Your child has refused to brush his teeth because he just wants to eat the toothpaste.
19. Your kid flushed the toilet, you have no idea what was flushed, and the flusher couldn’t tell you
20. Your child has bugged you to hear the Christmas song practiced for school, you asked him to sing it for his grandparents, he refused, but then interrupted his sister and threw a major tantrum during her song.
21. Your child has colored on the walls of a house you that you don’t own.
22. Your child has thrown a tantrum for no apparent reason.
23. You’ve ever been in a hurry to get somewhere, and your child refused to get in the car.
24. Your daycare has taken pictures of your children in holiday garb in an elaborate ruse to get you to buy the pictures after you see how cute they are.
25. Your child has ever refused to eat the dinner your prepared but wants snacks 15 minutes later.
26. Your child has ever refused to eat the exact thing he requested you to make him for dinner.
Please Drink Responsibly
Click here to download Mom Drinking Wine and play with all your mommy friends. What does your child do that drives you absolutely crazy and deserves a drink?
I was selected for this opportunity as a member of CLEVER and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.