Easter Craft Ideas for Kids

easter craft ideas for kidsI’m really excited my kids are old enough to start understanding holidays. We did a little Easter egg hunt last year, but Gigi was still so young, she just sat on the grass and ate the snacks inside one of the eggs. This year, I’m planning to test out some Easter craft ideas for kids and maybe even try dying eggs, along with another backyard Easter egg hunt.

I pulled 12 Easter craft ideas that will be perfect to try with young kids. I love how simple yet adorable these ideas are. I’m a total sucker for anything with handprints and feet prints, and I love that so many of the ideas use everyday household items like clothespins, egg cartons and toilet paper tubes.

How are you celebrating Easter this year?

1. Popsicle Stick Chicks
2. Egg Carton Chicks
3. Egg Sun Catchers
4. Carrot Footprints
5. Yarn Eggs
6. Pom Pom Chicks
7. Paper Plate Chicks
8. Tube Bunnies
9. Plastic Spoon Bunnies
10. Bunny Clothespins
11. Egg Ornament
12. Bunny Handprint


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