Star Print Fashion Trend

Star Print Fashion Trend

Certain prints always seem to be in style–namely, some version of dots, stars, hearts and flowers.  I love the star print fashion trend because stars give a youthful vibe, but can still look chic and modern. If you aren’t sure what to wear for the fourth of July, I love the idea of throwing on…


Trendy Fall Coats Under $300

With so many trendy fall coats under $300, it’s hard to decided on which style to buy. Whether you’re into capes, military-inspired, mixed media, or robe coats, almost any style goes. If you’re searching for the hottest trend, then you’ll get a robe style coat, which is extra popular this fall. If you like classic, you might…

J. Crew Crystal cluster statement necklace

J. Crew Return Policy: A Good Return Policy Makes Customers Return

The J. Crew return policy is awesome! A retailer’s customer service is measured when a purchased item breaks or you have trouble locating an item.  A welcome greeting is certainly appreciated but amounts to friendly banter rather than actual service. Getting the tough stuff right – a fair return policy – is all that really matters…