Trend Sight

Trend Sight: Everyday Sequins

Everyday Sequins in Your Everyday Wardrobe Sequin is not just for New Years Eve party-wear, as you can now find…

Pink Trend Hot This Winter

The pale pink trend is a must-wear color this season. Referred to as blush, rose, ballerina or pastel, this pink…

Trend Sight — Leather Accents

One of my favorite trends for fall is leather accents.  Pretty much any store you will browse, from J.Crew to…

Trend Sight: Army Green Trend

Various shades of green seem to be everywhere in fashion right now, and the fall lines are no exception.  You…

Black Gold Bracelets

This season, I’ve been on the search for a black gold bracelets - black leather bracelet with gold accents -…