Grilled Corn Fregola

Grilled Corn Fregola

I miss my carefree summers in the Midwest. When I see corn on the cob, I’m immediately transported back to my childhood. I grew up in Green Bay, Wisconsin. When we would venture outside our little suburb, we’d quickly be surrounded by cornfields and dairy farms as far as you could see. My dad would…

Shaved Asparagus Salad

If you look back at my recipes, you’d probably think I only eat baked-goods. Seriously. I have a problem. But seriously, I eat a lot of vegetables too. They just usually aren’t as interesting to blog about. I changed my mind when I made this shaved asparagus salad the other day. Per usual, my farmer’s…


Homemade Limoncello Recipe

I have a thing for lemons. As if it wasn’t already obvious from the numerous recipes I’ve made featuring lemons (lemon-lime margarita pops, lemon Bundt cakes, and lemon blueberry muffins). Plus, my local farmer’s market always has the most gorgeous lemons–the farmer (see image above) even cut one open for me to see just how…

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Farmer’s Market Finds: Purple Carrots

This past weekend, the farmer’s market was brimming with citrus, winter greens, and first of the season strawberries. Of all the striking produce this weekend, the highly stacked, vibrant purple carrots with bright green stalks, were too gorgeous to resist. I know what you’re thinking. Carrots? Really? What’s interesting or special about carrots? I thought…