I love getting my nails done, but I always opt for a basic gel application. Usually, I choose red nails or something neutral. On a rare occasion, I might choose white or something a little more flashy. I never really considered custom nail art until I realized how much you can express yourself through your nails. It’s like I suddenly had this epiphany that you can totally express your style through hair and nails. I’m not sure why it took me so long, but finally going blonde last fall, it finally hit me how much I can change up my style through my hair, nails and makeup.
Bring Examples You Love
With my newfound interest in nails, when I saw the Nail Art Babe’s work, I thought it would be fun to have my first experience getting custom nail art. When I arrived, I showed her some images I had saved in my IG of other nail art I loved. She actually knew some of the artists (like this LA-Based one), and I also saved some of her art that I loved most. I explained to her that I wanted to get something that felt Valentines’ Day-inspired without being too cutesy or obvious. (Read a bunch of hearts).
Make Time For Nail Preparation (or Come with Clean Nails)
Don’t Be Afraid to Make Some Suggestions
After consulting for awhile, we agreed to use red, pink and a pinkish-purple. I wanted Valentine’s colors, so this was the perfect start. Then, we agreed she would add some gold and black elements too for some visual interest. I asked her to keep the color on the tips and mid-part of my nail. I didn’t want her to go all the way to my cuticles so there wouldn’t be immediate and obvious grow-out. Since I was spending quite a bit more of custom nail art, I wanted it to last longer.
During the painting process, I mostly just let her do her thing. Every now and then, she’d ask me a question about how it was coming out. Mostly though, I just let her work and we chatted about other things. Near the end of the process, I did specifically ask her to add a bit more gold and black. I felt like the nails could use a bit more pattern to them, so she added more dots and lines to finish the look.
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I get my nails done every three weeks by an artist in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. She is so creative and such a perfectionist I come out of there with beautiful nails every time. I feel so lucky that I found her it's a pleasure to see her every three weeks.
That's so great! Isn't it the best when you find someone to do your nails (or hair) that you love?!