I am beyond thrilled to be selected as a WH Action Hero. Each year, Women’s Health chooses a group of women they call Action Heroes, to help promote The FEED Foundation. This charity is dedicated to fighting hunger in America.
Along with getting to meet the other amazing women who were selected, I will be training for my very first race – a 10K – which I will run in October in San Francisco. Beyond simply running a 10K, I’m also hoping to raise money to help hungry families in the U.S. (Are you interested in helping too? You can donate here. Want to run your own 10K to support the FEED Foundation? Email me and I’ll send you a discount code!)
I’ve had stints where I ran to lose or maintain my weight and even a time where I signed up for a race, but didn’t follow through. The fear kept me from pushing myself, I think. In high school, I was an athlete, but I’ve never considered myself a runner. I was quick enough for my sports, but I dreaded line drills and other running our coaches made us do to improve our endurance.
For me, running has always been a necessary evil. During sports training, it was just part of our practice routine. In my everyday life, l run sprint intervals on the treadmill because it is the best workout to get fit quickly, whether I like it or not.
Despite hopping on a treadmill once or twice a week to get a little cardio, I am not a runner. However, I am super excited for the challenge of training for and running my first 10K.
There is something about having a cause worth fighting for that makes the hard work worth it. Plus, I am determined to overcome the mental obstacle that has kept me from competing in races before.
This is the first of a new couch to 10K blog series. I plan to post every couple of weeks to share what I’m learning about running along the way and share my progress. I would also love to hear any running tips you want to share with me!
I’m really excited to share my running a 10K journey with you. First up, finding the perfect 12-week running guide and also finding the right equipment. Wish me luck!
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