Last week, our friends at Toyota invited us to the Phoenix Zoo to get a preview of ZooLights, and also check out a few of their new cars for 2015. During the day, Jade put a ton of miles on a sporty 2015 Camry. The kids and I joined him later to see ZooLights, pretty much by ourselves.
I arrived a bit early, just before sunset, so I walked Rocco and Gigi around in their double (wide) stroller to see some of the lights. Earlier in the day, I told Rocco we were going to the zoo. This was his first trip to the zoo, and he was most excited to see the zebras. He just kept repeating beeba (zebra) all day. When we first arrived, I was happy we found the zebras before it got too dark for him to see them. Rocco kept pointing and saying “beeba, beeba!”. He was so excited.
As we walked around the lake, I would point at different things–hanging monkeys from the trees, a large lion all in lights. Sometimes Rocco would repeat the word in his own way (montee, montee, for monkey).
When we got to the camel area, I told him to check out the camels and he kept saying “knee, knee”. At first, I was so confused, but then it hit me. One of his favorite books right now talks about zoo animals and their activities (beat your chest like a gorilla, turn your head like a penguin). In the book, it says, bend your knee like a camel. He couldn’t say camel, but he could say knee. Figuring out his rationalization was so darn cute!
Rocco loved the lights. He kept pointing and they kept his attention for the entire hour and a half we walked around the zoo. Gigi liked it too. She seemed mesmerized by the lights and she didn’t even fuss until we got to the car.
If you live in the Phoenix area, or you’re visiting, I highly suggest you check out ZooLights. It’s such a nice way to spend the evening with your family.