With sadness and excitement, I say, goodbye California (at least for now).
Three years ago, we arrived in Irvine, California, knowing nothing about Orange County, other than what I’d seen on that Housewives show. I expected to find droves of women with pronounced plastic surgery, caked on makeup, fake lashes and expensive (slightly tacky) clothing. I also looked forward to, namely, the weather and the beaches.
What we found when we arrived was something quite different than the stereotype I’d imagined. Sure, Orange County can be superficial. I’ve seen loads more expensive cars and Chanel purses than in previous cities I’ve lived. I’ve seen some plastic women, and I even saw one of the Real Housewives while I was shopping at Crystal Cove.
What I didn’t necessarily expect to get out of Orange County were a few solid friendships I’ve made and a lot of great memories of time spent on the water, near the water, or taking in the gorgeous views. One of the best parts of California is a life spent outdoors.Rather than talk about all of my favorite memories, I wanted to share them in snapshots taken over the past three years. It would be impossible to talk about all the highlights in those three years, but California will always be the place where my children were born and for that reason, among others, it will always be special to me.
Saying goodbye to California is not easy. What I will miss the most — The Beaches. The Views. The Weather. My Friends. The Farmer’s Markets. The Produce. The (Liberal) Mindset. The Fast Speed Limits. Did I mention the weather and the views?
Goodbye California. I’ll see you again soon (stay tuned to find out where we land).
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